A renewed strategy for social media promotions

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Word Count: 1122
Time to read: 8 min 37 sec

When you have a YouTube channel and a website, it is pertinent that you promote your work online preferably on social media to make your presence felt. The idea is simple, if you have a Twitter account- tweet – a Facebook account, then make posts. That’s social media promotions for you.

It is not as easy as it sounds. For the past three years of running a gaming channel and a year since running my website, I have struggled to promote my work. The only other way I could do that is if I have a team that looks into these aspects – social media marketing and SEO. It is I cannot afford this right now at this stage when I am not earning any revenue.

Anything I contribute from my pocket is an investment. I am unmindful of unnecessary investments. For example, the need to have this website was a necessary investment.

Facebook and Twitter are the two most sought after platforms to promote your work. If you have a website – Pinterest is the best choice. But frankly speaking – I have little experience with it. So I cannot vouch for that as of yet.

Promotion basics and why do you need them?

Promotion is equivalent to marketing in the real world. For any new product launch, the company executes a marketing campaign for brand awareness, positioning, publicity, etc.

Promotion works similarly. The difference here is that you are doing it all by yourself. No monetary investments exist if you’re working alone (like me) and there are no teams. It is easier if you have a single project to work on. Promotion for a single project is easy and less of an effort.

This is where my problem started- I have three projects to work on – GamerPhoenyx, Xyneophoenyx.com and my upcoming music project. My music project is still in the works and not yet live. I would not call it a problem as that is not the right word. I would rather call it a challenge. A challenge I am yet to overcome and put my plan into practice.

Starting online:
When you have business in any form, promoting it online is necessary to make your brand well known. YouTubing is similar to business but more inclined towards show business. In show business, promotion can always begin online.

One can always start for free and of course, there is the paid option. Let’s not concentrate on that when starting with minimal investment options or no investment is required in the beginning.

The avenues:
Facebook is always my first choice and Twitter next. Instagram – since it is linked to Facebook, your account can be integrated.

Now, you have three accounts to focus on. If you are a regular at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, then things will be very easy to promote your channel. What you need to bear in mind is that these social media accounts will no longer be personal but professional. I will come to that later.

The two ongoing projects are GamerPhoenyx and Xyneohphoenyx.com. From time to time I have to tweet and even post topics on Facebook.

Okay, I don’t touch Facebook that often. I am not a frequent tweeter either. So, for me as a person to go about doing things I am usually not accustomed to gets difficult.

The initial phase involved running three different Twitter accounts, out of them one was a personal account which I rarely operated. I soon realised it gets difficult for a single person to constantly tweet from three different accounts. It was hard to manage and also keep track of them.

My other alternative was to hire social media executives to do the marketing for me. But, money constraints prevented my plans from taking off.

I had to rule out that option as I was not open to investments in this area. I had thought of getting people who could do the work from me and I could pay them in kind but this idea too fizzled out due to the pandemic.

The idea:

Then, something struck me like a kick in the head! Why not come up with a single social media account and conduct all social media marketing for all of my projects? That will also increase the number of posts I make and also expand my presence.

Enter – House of Phoenyx. This is the name I conjured up originally and trust me I wanted that to be the name of my website. But, it did not sound unique and the rest is history. So, I have adopted that name for all my social media accounts.

Luckily I managed to keep the same id for my Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter and the Indian equivalent of Twitter called Koo-but better.

Some of you may think that it is better to have full control over one project one at a time. Honestly, you are not wrong in thinking that way. I had only one ongoing project initially and that was my YouTube channel.

I launched my website when I managed to get a PC. It is still an outdated system taken from my late father-in-law. Despite that, as long as I managed to do some basic work -I did not mind.

Yes, I could do minimal promotions, do better research on YouTube and other websites. Most importantly, I could practice my music creation skills that also happened to my third work in progress project.

What about you? Should you keep a parent social media account for promoting other projects? Well, it depends on the circumstances and whether or not you can put in the time. Not everyone has time on their hands unless they are a full-time YouTuber and that it earns them some income.

I have a job, family to look after, meet the few friends that I have and explore some ‘me’ time as well. So many things to do and so little time. Nah! I will never say there’s no time. But rather, what are you doing with the time you have at hand.

Yes, I am lazy. I had a social media marketing strategy chalked out since last month but I am yet to implement it. Things could be easier if you could automate your workflow. When you have a minimal investment in your mind – you cannot take that road. This is especially true when you are starting with something. You cannot even risk going full-time until you earn substantial revenue for your work.

You cannot automate your workflow unless you paid for the services or hire someone to do it for you.

All that remains is finding a way to implement my plans with the excuse of little time in my hands. I guess only time will tell.

I am a blogger, YouTuber and Indie Music Producer navigating my way through a massive sea of words, games and soundwaves!

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House Of Phoenyx: Blogger, YouTuber & Music Producer

Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025
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