There is no business like show business & more

Mechs and Walkers Revolutionize Future Warfare

From Sci-Fi to the Battlefield: Could Mechs and Walkers Revolutionize Future Warfare?

What makes something “sci-fi”? Any object we can envision as a potential invention or innovation in the distant future that does not currently exist is considered sci-fi. Sci-fi-inspired military technology is only getting started right now. From projectile weapons to rail guns and lasers, the future of war machines has come a long way.

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Sequels, Prequels, Spin-Offs, Remakes

Sequels, Prequels, Spin-Offs, Remakes! Why some films need them and why some don’t.

Word Count: 1328Read Time: 00:05:18 Movies are a great source of entertainment. They transform and transport you to a different world – even if that world is a make-believe with little resemblance to reality. The immersive make-believe makes it possible to lose yourself in their world completely.  Some movies are […]

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Babylong 5 title

The Magic of Babylon 5 Series & why you should watch it

The first thing you would notice about it is the lack of technobabble. Can sci-fi be structured that way without it? Yes, it can. In a sci-fi setting, the universe and the characters are best that identify a series. It is a series focused extensively on character development and story arcs.

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TV vs Smartphone vs Theatre

The Viewing Experience – PC vs Smart TV vs Smartphone vs Big Screen

One no longer needs to stick to a singular medium to watch their favourite series or movies. There are plenty of choices. The computer has already occupied the lives of many of us. Now’s the turn of the smartphone. But, that’s not the only medium where you can conveniently and comfortably watch your favourites.

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