Situations and Circumstances

Situations and Circumstances: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Situations and Circumstances are a part and parcel of life. It is filled with unpredictability and often coloured by the things you desire, things you want and some things you never get. Overcoming challenges depends on many factors which may include the easy and tough situations.

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rains, umbrella

The Monsoon Conundrum – The Whens, Ifs, Whats and Hows

Word Count: 1464Reading time: 5 min. 50 sec I rarely start my posts with a video. However, this video is interesting as it fits right into the topic. Please watch the first few minutes before you can proceed any further: I remember watching Jumanji when it was released on cable […]

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Target practice

The Consistency of Being Consistently Consistent! When You Love What You Do, it shows!

Word Count: 1638Time to Read: 00:06:33 I love writing. I can write about anything that comes to my mind. If I do not know the topic, I can always research it online. Understand the topic to the best of my ability and then write. In my view, when you’re passionate […]

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When Facebook posts, comments and questions robs your peace of mind!

Some time ago, I came across a post on Facebook which read something like this: One guy comments: Yellow is my favourite colour, the second guy replied to his comment: How dare you choose Yellow colour? What wrong did red, blue, green and other colours have done that you chose yellow?

Sounds familiar?

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