Steampunk Tower 2

Steampunk Tower 2 – Exploring the game in mighty detail to help you play better!

These kinds of games are action-oriented with an emphasis on pacing. Most of you who have played this game will realize that as you play. The pacing should be just right – not too fast and not super slow! This is determined by the battles not ending abruptly and suddenly or lasting not more than a few seconds rather than minutes.

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The Christmas Event

The Christmas Event of The Catapult 2 Game- a comparison over the years 2020-2021

BYV started with the Christmas event in December of 2020 for their Catapult 2 game. It was the first of such events presumed to occur every year. What is the Christmas event? In this post, I am going to break it down and also make a comparison of the 2020 and 2021’s.

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