The Consistency of Being Consistently Consistent! When You Love What You Do, it shows!

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Word Count: 1638
Time to Read: 00:06:33

I love writing. I can write about anything that comes to my mind. If I do not know the topic, I can always research it online. Understand the topic to the best of my ability and then write. In my view, when you’re passionate about what you do and do what you’re passionate about – it truly shines through. The challenge lies in maintaining a consistent approach.

Consistency is the ultimate challenge one needs to overcome. A person like me with a 9-5 job, a family to care for, to look after, give time and then the same time handle three projects isn’t easy. A thought does occur to me – wouldn’t it be better if I had concentrated on one project? Redirect all my energies to the said project rather than struggle to give time to all three.

Yes. I do get that thought. However, I do not regret my decision to have three projects to run – YouTube, Blogging and Music Project. All three are close to my heart. The reason I chose Youtubing is due to gaming. I love playing games and wanted to showcase my skills and help other gamers to find solutions. Blogging – because I love to write and have been doing that since childhood. Music Production – because I love music and always wished to create it.

The end goal of all of my projects is money. Financial abundance is my goal. However, I do not wish to be wealthy. I have set a goal of how much finance I need to earn a month and what it would take to achieve it. The process I set is long – but achievable as long as I am consistent.

The problem:

The Problem

Consistency is always the mother of challenges. I had many mental confrontations and solutions that cropped up. I was too lazy to take it up effectively. You cannot rush creativity. However, you cannot substitute that for laziness!

When do you know you are rushing creativity and when you are not? Simple. When you work, you feel like working when you don’t force it. Your work is the reflection of your mind and heart. You love to jot down words and lovingly process your thoughts into words. It is equally important to dispel all negativity and toxicity plaguing you.

Most of the time, what also matters is getting the right frame of mind. Time can also be a factor where you cannot contribute sufficient effort in getting things done. It is natural when you are a working individual and have a lot of things on your plate. What is important to understand is that the challenge may be difficult but not impossible.

Consistency is always the mother of challenges. I had many mental confrontations and solutions that cropped up. I was too lazy to take it up effectively. You cannot rush creativity. However, you cannot substitute that for laziness!

When do you know you are rushing creativity and when you are not? Simple. When you work, you feel like working when you don’t force it. Your work is the reflection of your mind and heart. You love to jot down words and lovingly process your thoughts into words. It is equally important to dispel all negativity and toxicity plaguing you.

Most of the time, what also matters is getting the right frame of mind. Time can also be a factor where you cannot contribute sufficient effort in getting things done. It is natural when you are a working individual and have a lot of things on your plate. What is important to understand is that the challenge may be difficult but not impossible.

When you give time or make time for your work – consistency follows. I have discovered it and implemented it. How well does it work? Well, I cannot say that for sure.

When it comes to blogging, it is necessary to choose the topic. The purpose of my blog is to express my creativity and practice my writing skills. Show the world I exist and how good my writing is. I do not do too much SEO or keyword research when I blog. Because all I do is write whatever comes to my mind.

The headline or the title does matter. If I write it one way, I may change it to conciseness or crisp. I am resolute in my decision not to care much and proceed. Google will take care of it. After all, I am what I am!

The Eureka Moment:
Yes, the light bulb glows very brightly when such an event occurs. For example, it took me around 25 minutes to reach around 615 words.

My technique is to go with the flow. When you start writing (or anything else you love) make sure you can give it the best time. Silence is your best friend here. You must concentrate and do your best to avoid interruptions – the location, time and the environment matter.

My technique is to go with the flow. When you start writing (or anything else you love) make sure you can give it the best time. Silence is your best friend here. You must concentrate and do your best to avoid interruptions – the location, time and the environment matter.

Eureka moment

If you are into writing and are short on time, you can break down your blog posts or any work that matters into bits and pieces. For example, what is your target keyword count? My target for this post is 1500 words at least. What sub-topics will you address? I am addressing Consistency and Time as the challenges and addressing the solutions. I am confident of reaching 1000 words before my daughter wakes up! I am at 744 words! And no, I wasn’t writing this in the morning!

Okay, once you choose the time, you must stick to it. During my school days, my parents suggested making a timetable for the week giving equal time to all subjects. It was pertinent to give more time for the subjects that need more attention. I loved science and hated maths! Back then, the state board had three languages, English, Hindi and Marathi, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as the toppings!

Let’s face it, the state Board education system is pathetic. The things I learnt weren’t of much use in life.

I am skilled in activities such as writing and drawing (not much), and I also enjoy playing video games. However, there was not much guidance on furthering my interests into an acceptable career. My case is not an isolated incident. I am sure many of you reading this have gone through something similar.

During the school days, I would dedicate one day to that subject to ensure I worked on it. Similarly, the thought occurred to me to apply a similar approach to my projects. Why not? As long as it works. As I was writing this, at 933 words, my flow was interrupted by my 3-year-old daughter waking up from her afternoon sleep.  I was close!

Interruption does affect your flow. Getting back on track is important. I am confident of reaching 1500 words in an hour as long as my flow is not interrupted. Of course, there are times when you cannot push yourself, other commitments do not come in the way. It is always best to finish what you started as soon as possible on the same day.

Building consistency – my gaming YouTube channel as an example – GamerPhoenyx – I am (fairly) consistent with the video posting. I post gameplay videos thrice a week – with an equal number of shorts on other days. what I am not consistent with is shorts – this is something I need to build up and work towards.

The portability of the smartphone is what helped to be consistent. I have the convenience of recording and editing my work on my phone and posting it directly online with little to no effort. For 6 years hence, I have 493 subscribers with around 35 watchtime hours per 28 days.

The stats aren’t good because I know why they aren’t good. That’s because I hardly do explainer videos. Making explainer videos takes time as I have to contribute enough time to play, understand the problem and devise the solution, write the script, do the voice-overs along with the editing and then video edit my final work.

Due to my work-life imbalance, I had temporarily sacrificed it. This does not go to say I have stopped. No. I am concentrating my efforts towards changing jobs to regain my work-life balance. Previously, it was this imbalance that affected my consistency. I identified my purpose and chose to take that drastic decision.

Please let me know if you are going through something similar and what you are doing to overcome it.

Typically, a work-life imbalance should not affect your personal life and vice versa. If it does then the problem is serious and should be nipped in the bud! If changing your job is one of the possible solutions then so be it.

Being religious helps – well, talking about being consistent and not talking about God? Did you expect me – the religious kind I am – to not talk about it? If you are not the religious kind, you may skip the next three paragraphs.

There are things in this world that happen. What happens you cannot explain but you know it and you feel that something happened. No, I am not talking about the matrix!

Meditating and prayers help immensely. Jesus is the perfect guide and helper if you know where to look. When you are consistent among other things, then you cannot afford to be inconsistent with prayers. Pray, work hard, do your best and leave the rest to Jesus. He will take care of it.

Once you surrender yourself to Jesus, ensure you do not go back. Leave everything to Him and witness the change that will happen in your lives. I wish I had known Him sooner rather than later. There is a pre-determined time when you realise these things in life and loving Jesus consistently, giving Him time also helps change things.

When you have time, you better think about the best way to do with what you have and what you can do with it. As an introvert, it was easy for me to pick these things and stick with them. Consistency will always be a challenge, You won’t always have time but you will always have Jesus by your side to guide you and help you achieve your dreams.

At around 1546 words (1638 words after editing and proofreading) my blog post about “The Consistency of being Consistently Consistent! When you love what you do, It shows!” comes to an end.

Thank you for taking the time “To consistently read my blog posts.” Whether you are religious or not or from another religion – may God bless you always and keep your loved ones safe. May He also bless you with the mind you need to be consistent. Amen.

I am a blogger, YouTuber and Indie Music Producer navigating my way through a massive sea of words, games and soundwaves!

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House Of Phoenyx: Blogger, YouTuber & Music Producer

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024
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