If and When I go full time…

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4 min 44 sec

Going full time is the dream of every YouTuber. Some of them go full time even before their channel can earn revenue. It may work for some who start young. For people like me, it is not always possible to do that early on.

YouTube had barely started in 2008. I began watching videos around 2010-12.

My craze for YouTubing did not start early. It began much later after watching a few gaming reviews. I was into gaming since childhood and still am. I could not proceed whenever the thought of YouTubing came to me because I did not have a good PC.

I thought to start when I have a decent enough system. That wait turned into many years due to the lack of sufficient funds. My idea was languishing for a long time.

Fast forward 2018:
I did have a PC, but it was not good enough. In the second quarter of 2018, I had some free time in my hands since I was between jobs. Out of the blue, I launched my channel – GamerPheonyx.

My PC conked off a few months after the launch of my channel in 2018. That left me nearly two years without a PC. In late 2019 after my father-in-law passed away, Phoebe managed to get me her late father’s PC. That helped immensely.

Something is better than nothing they say. As long as the PC worked, it did not matter.

In Jan 2020, I launched my long-awaited blog Xyneohphoenyx.com. I continued blogging and also maintaining my channel. I usually blog once a week. There are times when due to office work, I am not able to post my blogs weekly.

Come what may, I would make sure that I post at least one blog. The futility of doing that hampered the quality. I stopped doing that and concentrated on writing quality blogs. Even if it meant not posting once every week, I would still focus on quality.

You should know I am not a full-time blogger and YouTuber. I have a full-time job working in India’s sought after retail and eCommerce sector. My full-time job during the pandemic’s Work-from-home squeezed most of my time. Things were almost headed south, but these are always temporary.

So I wondered one fine day, what would it be like to be a full-timer?
The answer is yes. The only condition being I must have a steady stream of income coming from three of my projects: YouTubing, Blogging and Music Production.

Revenue is the most important thing on my mind. Slowly and steadily, I may have to contribute more of my time towards my projects as they grow.

Eventually, I will have to make do with the revenue I may get at that time and make sure to increase it steadily.

My situation right now:

The Now

How do I work between jobs? I start with this mindset: When I work, I must give it my undivided attention. I appreciate no interruptions so that I can concentrate fully on my work. I ensure that whatever time I give is enough to get that work done.

For instance, I wrote this blog post over a week ago. It is the second week where I am making sure to finish it. I treat blogging differently. I am not able to write 500+ words at a stretch. So, I write what and when I can and leave it for scrutiny the next day or whenever I proofread to make changes, additions and omissions.

I do the same thing with GamerPhoenyx video scripts. I write it and then leave it for the next day for any additions and omissions. Writing video scripts is easy since I keep most of my videos under 5 minutes due to storage space limitations on my smartphones.

As you very well know, it is not possible at this point. I have to juggle between my work-from-home, household chores and managing my now 10-month old Pandora.

I have very few friends since being an introvert has its perks. I have no regrets. I do not need to keep in touch with my friends since I am already bad at keeping in touch.

My current PC does not support my projects the way it should. I have a few things lined up that takes precedence – painting the house after the monsoon, Pandora’s first birthday celebration that’s due in September and have a few kitchen appliances to buy. It is only after settling these priorities I can get my new workstation PC.

In India, despite painting gets pricier by the year, we still hire painters who do the job for us. They may turn up in teams.

What do I have in mind for my workstation?

I prefer an AMD Ryzen 5 system, 2TB HDD, 500 GB SSD, 16 GB DDR 4 RAM, 4 GB VRAM Graphics card.

I can get all of these within 50K. I wouldn’t even mind getting these systems from Lamington Road, Mumbai.

For the uninitiated, Lamington Road – computer peripherals are reasonably priced. If you’re getting the entire system, it is better to get it all from one place. The trouble is, it is far from where I live. I will need an entire day to get it from there. This part is still undecided, though.

Let’s say I have got a powerful workstation, earning revenue and full time as well. What would my typical day be?

On Sunday, I can plan my entire schedule for the week. Knowing that I have ample time in my hands, I can churn out content like hotcakes! Literally!

My goal will be to make sure my income streams remain steady. I have enough investments to grow my money and invest it back into my channel, my daughter’s future and my family’s financial security.

I can run three different websites: GamerPhoneyx, Xyneohphoenyx and my music project. Diversifying income streams from blogging will help. Doing social media marketing all by myself is possible. I can outsource some of my work to other like-minded people.

I can’t do sufficient promotions my channels needs. The same goes for my blog as well.

My ultimate goal:

I don’t want to be rich or strive to have all the money in the world. I do desire to earn money. Earn enough for it to fulfill my dreams and that of my family.

Phil Phoenyx

Part of my dream also involves having a full-fledged home music studio with a dedicated vocal booth for singing sensations. I don’t plan on hosting bands or an ensemble of instrument players. I would not mind hosting instruments to record guitars, some percussion and the keyboard. Anything that can fit within that space is fine by me but not an entire band.

The biggest boon of going full-time:


I can treat my self-employment as if I was working. Right from 9 in the morning till 5 or 6 in the evening I can work.

The possibilities are endless!

I would love to have my team of freelancers. It is possible when I can establish myself in my respective fields: YouTuber, Blogger and Music Producer.

I am a blogger, YouTuber and Indie Music Producer navigating my way through a massive sea of words, games and soundwaves!

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House Of Phoenyx: Blogger, YouTuber & Music Producer

Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025
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