Know why we will never ever blog about politics, not because we don’t like it

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Know why we will never ever blog about politics, not because we don’t like it
Do you lean left, right or centre?

Politics is a very sensitive topic. People can lean left, right, centre or whichever way they want. I have seen people being bashed – not literally – online and offline for their political views. Trump may be a good or bad, Indian PM Narendra Modi may be good or bad, Vladimir Putin may be good or bad – it is none of our concern.

Politics has become more like religion – it is personal and for a blog like ours, it may be detrimental unless and until we launch a page dedicated to political analysis. Even if we on-board political experts – a difference of opinion persists. Politics is also complex and requires too much energy and research as well – neither of either we have!

In either case, I don’t care about a viewer’s/reader’s political affiliations. When you read blogs on Xyneohphoenyx, I would earnestly request you to refrain from making any political comments of any sort. I would not mind debating on fictional political scenarios from the movies – I thoroughly enjoy that. However, I bet, not many of you out there have a liking to debate about fictional politics. So it is a topic best left for later discussions!

Here in India, politics is very complex. There are the left, right-leaning political parties and the communist which looks like a fading light from the sun-set! Indian democracy has room for every kind of political party so although the light from the sunset rises every morning so does communist party with varying brightness or dullness!

Here’s why I do not want to make or take a political view on my site. Political views are diverse across the country and the globe, many people are for and against certain ideologies. What happens is – the platform of the posted comments are becomes the battleground.

For instance, Facebook political groups, I bet that must have made you realise after you have posted something how some people would react and reply to what you have previously commented upon. Furthermore, no one can gauge how a person, friend, family member or your bestie may reply.

This situation relates to viewers, readers and visitors to my site. I would not want any of my articles or blogs to trigger an unnecessary heated debate. A healthy debate is most welcome that will encourage even my participation.

The comments thus generated does not serve the purpose of the article. Chances are they could also get off-topic. If you have ever replied to answers on Quora, you will realise how heated and off-topic it can often get. I don’t want that kind of backlash or my website to take a completely negative side by being a contributor to what my site is not meant to be.

Now that I mentioned, yes, I was very active on Quora. I had to let Quora go because of many reasons; firstly it was extremely time-consuming, researching answers to topics to make it sound accurate is more time consuming than writing a blog like this. Secondly, replying to comments is not always possible especially when it diverts towards off-topic. Thirdly, it consumes too much mental energy. This is particularly true for the topic that I used to write about – International Geo-Politics and Defence.

It was a sacrifice that I had to make so that I could concentrate on my YouTube channel and this website I launched. Concentrate all my energies towards making my dreams a reality. Quora has no place in my life anymore. I realised this the hard part when I had my blog on WordPress and Quora took up most of my time and energy.

It’s simple, if you want to grow – be it financially, career-wise or skill-wise, you have to make some sacrifices.

I want my readers, fans and visitors to enjoy reading articles. Be nice if you don’t agree with what you read. Opinions should be respected, differences of opinion should be further respected. I won’t tolerate if any comments sound disrespectful towards any caste, gender, religion, country, skin colour or anyone’s tastes.

I will come up with a separate comment policy regarding this soon.
Why am I being so protective about my website? Yeah, you could ask this question. The answer is simple. Xyneohphoenyx, just like my YouTube channel – are like my babies. I gave birth to these ideas and they are precious to me. I have plans for my babies, which will be evident soon in the coming years. I would very much like –like-minded viewers, subscribers and readers to be part of that dream and growth.

That’s why I want to take extreme care to ensure my website does not take divergent paths towards destruction. I don’t want my website to stray from the purpose it was designed for.

Be nice!


I am a blogger, YouTuber and Indie Music Producer navigating my way through a massive sea of words, games and soundwaves!

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House Of Phoenyx: Blogger, YouTuber & Music Producer

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