Our God is an Awesome God!

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Word Count: 1585
Reading time: 6 min. 20 sec

If anyone wishes to praise God sincerely, there are many ways to do so. In my writing, I will express my praise and worship to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and tell you why our God is awesome!

As a Catholic Christian, I have realised a few things about my purpose. The two that I have identified during my religious times:

1) Give Glory to God (through my work),

2) Lead sinners to Christ – the third one – I am yet to identify. Perhaps it is doing works through actions? Maybe because faith is incomplete through actions and I think Charity could be it.

Why through my writing?

Let me talk about the most obvious thing. As a writer, I can write about absolutely anything. I did not take this gift seriously – even though I had been aware of this since childhood. The lack of guidance could be one of the reasons. My parents aren’t at fault either because there was a lack of understanding on their end.

I am glad that sooner or later, I gradually accepted writing as my talent and career as a blogger. What good is a talent if it is not put in the service of the Lord? To give him thanks, praise and worship? So, occasionally, I share a few pointers about spirituality from my experiences hoping that it will lead some lost sheep back to the fold.

Remember, the shepherd will leave the 99 sheep behind to seek that 1 lost sheep! My advice is don’t be that 1 lost sheep – rather, being amongst the 99 sheep is much better – it shows that you aren’t that lost that Jesus will have to look for you personally!

God love us:

No one is perfect. When we choose God over other things – it doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen. That is how the devil leads us astray wanting our faith in God to reduce.

Several months ago, I was on my way to work commuting on my bike in September 2024. My bike skidded due to the rain. It wasn’t good and was one of the worst accidents I had. Praise God, I did not suffer any serious injuries or bruises. I fell on my right hitting my arm hard on the concrete road. I hit my right leg on the bike as it slipped from my riding posture – though my right arm was a major concern.

Rather than blaming God, “Why did I have this accident,” I was angry – that was my first reaction. I was furious not at God but at Satan – trying to take me away from God. Yes, God does promise you protection, Yes, God does test you and Yes God does have His way. But, one major thing what people like you and me forget is God does not mean you any harm. He wants you to prosper and have a good life under His shadows.

The result of my accident caused my right hand to move with some inconspicuous difficulty. It took a little over a month for my recovery to progress through healing (by faith?). I knew deep in my heart that it was not a serious injury. Praise God – I didn’t have to suffer any more.

Here’s a thing about healing through faith. There’s God’s way, medicine’s way and then both ways. God can intervene in some aspects and sometimes He may accelerate the effectiveness of the medicine. You never know. Direct intervention is possible and that is why miracles exist. How and why they occur is a mystery to us. God decides how His healing can work and when.

Why should we stop sinning?

We all know factually that God loves us. He loves us very much, more than we can fathom. Our little brains cannot comprehend the depth and width of God’s love.

If God’s love can be measured then infinity would still be too small to compare! I am glad that love can only be sensed, felt and experienced. Love would lose its meaning if it could be measured!

I am not bringing up a list to demonstrate God’s love. His love is very evident, we know but haven’t realised its fullest extent. How, you may ask?

Let’s face it, most of us go to God only when we need Him in our troubles. We forget Him when we are happy. What we also conveniently forget is that God is the cause of our happiness. Just like in the incident mentioned above, I could have died that day but by God’s grace, no heavy vehicles plied on that road closer to me. Passers-by did help me out to stand on my feet, my shoe was flung across a few feet and dirty muck painted on my shirt and vest but luckily it was not that visibly bad. I narrated the accident to my close friend and colleague.

I knew what the devil was doing. I started to abuse the devil frantically – showering it with curses and cuss words I could think of. During the process, I never once blamed or questioned God why it happened. A voice in my head told me not to abuse the devil, I was surprised! Why not? Why should I treat the devil with respect? I was in anger and doing things in anger gobbles up your thinking process. Perhaps, that was the reason I was told to stop.

Why Our God is Awesome?

Do I really need to stress this? If you are living, breathing, eating, singing, dancing and reading this blog post, shouldn’t that be reason enough?

When you come closer to God, our lives take more meaning than a simple existence. The constant and sometimes not-so-constant communication with God is a different experience altogether. It is not something that can be described; it is only experienced.

And those who experience it to the fullest can become saints or something entirely different per God’s plans.

I could go on and on about God’s awesomeness but I guess I have left room for other topics. Topics that I can talk about God’s greatness in different ways.

I must confess, that when I first started writing about Jesus and spirituality, I was very hesitant to write anything about it. Making that very blog post live was a different challenge. What I noticed is that the temptation of procrastination would prolong making it live. Sometimes, it’s good, the delay would not be all that bad as I had sufficient time to add more content.

The answer is simple, He does not demand anything substantial from us. Whatever he asks, is not impossible for us to give either. However, it is challenging.

If you cannot guess it by now, what I mean is – not sinning.

Yes, not sinning is difficult but not impossible. Sin has long before become our comfort zone sinking ourselves deeper and deeper into the pit. It is this comfort level that causes us to be blind towards the good. Sin is so ingrained in us that it becomes like second nature. This is what we must fight against.

Trust me, even after going to Jesus and enjoying the life He gives, it is not easy. We will fall into sin again and again. Are we sorry for our eventual fall into sin? What efforts are we making to show God we’re trying our best not to sin with our most common sin?

Remember, Jesus fell three times on the road to Calvary. Falling is not at all bad. What is bad is not getting us despite the fall. Sooner or later we will despise sinning and live a life God wants us to live. Some faithfuls can stop sinning fast while others take time. God knows every person He created is different. Different people have different ways of approaching problems, taking varied amounts of time and using distinct thought processes.

We must show willingness, put in the effort and let God see what we are doing. It is the efforts that count. There will be struggle, pain, tears, regrets and repentance, but we must persevere. I know I have shed many tears telling Jesus how sorry I am for sinning – and then I sin again. So what do I do? The sin I sin the most is that I make certain to increase the gaps between the last committed and the future where I think I may commit that sin again. My goal is to keep expanding this gap because it is this sin that puts me down. But then, I get up after my fall and start again.

Once you get a taste of what and how Jesus is, you never want to leave Him. It is a kind of attachment on a different level.

How to feel God’s presence?

It is easy and will depend on how much effort you put in. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing as if you are meditating. After a few seconds or minutes when you feel calm, call out to Jesus. Talk to him. With the many voices rummaging through your mind, you may not be able to decipher His voice initially. But, eventually, you will.

When you seek Him sincerely from your heart, He will appear. Trust me.

The idea is not just to converse with God when you meditate or pray. The general idea here is to make sure you are conversing with Him every time.

I am a blogger, YouTuber and Indie Music Producer navigating my way through a massive sea of words, games and soundwaves!

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House Of Phoenyx: Blogger, YouTuber & Music Producer

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