To the person who is constantly spamming me in the comments sections of every post

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Spamming isn’t new. I’ve been dealing with spam for many years. Even on the phone. Unsolicited marketing communications in India are a crime and are liable to be fined and banned.

A case in point is Bajaj Finance, when I had to raise a complaint to them on countless occasions and then to the RBI for mental harassment caused due to constant spamming. It took a while, but ultimately I achieved my goal of being spam-free.

I know some things are controllable, and some things are way out of your hands.

As with you. I don’t know what are you trying to achieve. Do you have set targets to spam the least popular blogs? I don’t even have that many visitors. I just love writing. Hence my blog is present to convey my love for such a purpose.

What you are trying to do is beyond me. I moderate every comment on my post, and if you were kind enough to not notice, none of your spam is live. So what you are trying to do is not only futile but wastes your energy and mine.

This is how it works:

wordpress android moderation

For any comments posted on my blog posts, WordPress notifies the respective owner (i.e. me). They have a fantastic automated system to alert me of any comments.

I am notified via email to moderate a comment(s). All I need to do is log on to my WordPress Android app, check that comment and classify them as spam. What does it do? It deletes the spam (needless to say) and is permanent. So, all your efforts of scouring a blog for posting useless and irrelevant comments go to waste.

Why don’t you do something fruitful and stop spamming me? You will be doing both of us a favour. None of your spam will go live, and as far as I am concerned, I have this message for you: If all you can do is spam, all I have to do it to moderate it before making it live.

Why don’t you do something fruitful and stop spamming me? You will be doing both of us a favour. None of your spam will go live, and as far as I am concerned, I have this message for you: If all you can do is spam, all I have to do it to moderate it before making it live.

I am a blogger, YouTuber and Indie Music Producer navigating my way through a massive sea of words, games and soundwaves!

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House Of Phoenyx: Blogger, YouTuber & Music Producer

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