Our God is an Awesome God!
If anyone wishes to praise God sincerely, there are many ways to do so. In my writing, I will express my praise and worship to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and tell you why our God is awesome!
Continue ReadingIf anyone wishes to praise God sincerely, there are many ways to do so. In my writing, I will express my praise and worship to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and tell you why our God is awesome!
Continue ReadingWord Count: 2765 Time to Read: 11 min 3 sec The timeless wisdom of the Gospel reading the priest follows with memorable sermons. Spiritual wisdom may entail reflection on the gospel, a related story that can serve as an example of faith and guidance. Homilies or Sermons may mean different […]
Continue ReadingWord Count: 1464Reading time: 5 min. 50 sec I rarely start my posts with a video. However, this video is interesting as it fits right into the topic. Please watch the first few minutes before you can proceed any further: I remember watching Jumanji when it was released on cable […]
Continue ReadingWord Count: 1546Time to Read: 6 minutes 11 seconds Introverts are a rarity. Rarer than finding life on another planet in the expanse of the universe! Although sub-types exist among introverts, the underlying fact remains the same – they are not people who love to socialise. They may have fears […]
Continue ReadingWord Count: 1638Time to Read: 00:06:33 I love writing. I can write about anything that comes to my mind. If I do not know the topic, I can always research it online. Understand the topic to the best of my ability and then write. In my view, when you’re passionate […]
Continue ReadingWord Count: 736Read Time: 00:02:56 What do you call something affordable? What do you call something functional? Anything that you buy is affordable by default. However, not everything you can afford is deemed functional. Let me explain that in the context of Android and iPhone, among other things I put […]
Continue ReadingWord Count: 855Read Time: 00:03:25 Compromise comes in various shapes, sizes, and extents of how much and how long one can prolong and endure. Sometimes, it can be good, while it can be the opposite in other instances. A subtle word to compromise is sacrificing, adjusting or adapting. The general […]
Continue ReadingWord Count: 1328Read Time: 00:05:18 Movies are a great source of entertainment. They transform and transport you to a different world – even if that world is a make-believe with little resemblance to reality. The immersive make-believe makes it possible to lose yourself in their world completely. Some movies are […]
Continue ReadingWord Count: 870Reading Time: 00:03:28 It was one Saturday, in November 2023. Around 9:30 pm, I sipped upon my glass of beer when this blog post idea hit me. What society should stop doing with immediate effect? I will answer, “Why”? This blog idea was long incubating in my mind […]
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