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Who Am I? 
I am just an ordinary guy like you who loves to write, play video games and create music. I want to make my ‘about me’ page more forthcoming and give a clear understanding to visitors, hence the update. Words that best describe me: Introvert, gamer, biker and foodie.

My screen name is Phil Phoenyx, I call my wife Phoebe and my daughter as Pandora. The three of them have been a part of my projects directly and indirectly. Phoebe was an initial contributor to my YouTube channel unfortunately it did not work out and she chose to opt-out of it.

I have three running projects:
Xyneohphoenyx: this personal website that you are reading. I always wanted to have a website and the year 2020 saw my wish fulfilled. I write about music, games, entertainment and lifestyle. In other words, things that interest me. I am the sole contributor of written content for now. However, if you wish to contribute in any way be sure to read my contact policy before sending me any written content.

GamerPheonyx: I create videos on non-mainstream games deep-diving into topics like strategies, tactics, breakdowns, how-tos and reviews. I post gaming videos every Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm IST, 10 am EST and 3:00 pm GMT. 

Music Project: This is a work in progress and may take years to become a reality. The name is still undecided. I plan to launch a few singles online before going full-on professional.   

What is “Xyneohphoenyx”?
Simply put, “Xyn” is derived from Zyn – in Arabic means “Peace” or “Centered”. “Neo”, typically means new, but here we would like to call it “revived form of”, and Phoenyx is an obvious spelling derived from Phoenix – a mythical bird. However, in my context it is called as “a person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect.” It is pronounced as Zin – Neo – Phoenix.

When we put it together it means a“newly and uniquely remarkable centred” place. So this is a place where you can have new and unique content – straight from the heart! There you have it!

It is part of my plan to own a website.

This site was started as a means to blog and promote my YouTube channel – GamerPhoenyx.

Nothing on this website is void of meaning and yes as you have guessed it – there’s a meaning behind that name as well.

What you can expect is blogs from experienced content writers and content marketers to post on topics such as videogames, entertainment and lifestyle and music . Uncategorised content will always figure in the Workhorse page. The initial progress will be slow, as I gradually build up my freelancers, reporters and on board some regular writers in due course.

I am a blogger, YouTuber and Indie Music Producer navigating my way through a massive sea of words, games and soundwaves!


House Of Phoenyx: Blogger, YouTuber & Music Producer

Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025
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