My Respect for Women increased during my Wife’s Pregnancy
In the Holy Bible, God did not want to leave a man alone. So, He put him to deep sleep and from his rib, he enclosed it into flesh and made woman.
Continue ReadingIn the Holy Bible, God did not want to leave a man alone. So, He put him to deep sleep and from his rib, he enclosed it into flesh and made woman.
Continue ReadingThe memes generation have outlived their time. I firmly believe that it is time for them to move on. But something tells me that as long as there are social media, memes are forever here to stay. I don’t blame social media for its proliferation but the memers are the ones to be blamed directly.
Continue ReadingWhat is the job of a news channel? Deliver news, report, opinions, shed light, uncover the truth…? What do you get to see in most Indian News Channels? The Bad, The Pathetic and The Idiotic! It is similar to the pathetic entertainment that you can see on most Indian television.
Continue ReadingPatoleo (singular) or Patoli (Plural) as it is called in Konkani the mother tongue of most Catholics in India. It may sound Italian when pronounced by westerners but in Konkani, the ‘leo’ or ‘li’ is pronounced with a hard ‘L’.
Continue ReadingIt is a one-sided headache mostly concentrated towards the left side of your brain. The severity varies from person to person, region to region and from race to race. The causes also vary. There has been no cure for this dreaded throbbing monster headache!
Continue ReadingWhat is the first thought that comes to your mind when you look at affluent people around us and on TV or even online? ‘More money is equal to a comfortable life’ – it is natural for many of us to think like that.
Continue ReadingPets are essential. Those who are lucky can have them, those who can’t have to make alternative arrangements. I did. I bought a home aquarium and since then have been in love with my fishes. The home aquarium existed (the second time around) way back around 2010.
Continue ReadingI bet you must have come across channels with Top Tens, Top Fives so on and so forth. Baring a few others exists with no solid purpose
Continue ReadingThe words itself means Science Fiction, turn it the other way around and it sounds Fiction Science or simply put Fictional Science or Scientific Fiction.
Continue ReadingThe secret level is a new addition to The Catapult 2 game. It comes in addition to the bonus level albeit less difficult.
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