Hanging out on YouTube
YouTube needs no introduction. If you have a smartphone, chances are you are very familiar with the best video sharing platform. It is also the most recognisable among all the ones out there and preferred.
Continue ReadingYouTube needs no introduction. If you have a smartphone, chances are you are very familiar with the best video sharing platform. It is also the most recognisable among all the ones out there and preferred.
Continue ReadingThe three necessities of life are food, clothing and shelter. We now have a fourth necessity to accompany them – the Internet! The Internet has placed itself in a dominant position as a fundamental right to express, order, assimilate, disseminate, transmit, influence and even connect.
Continue ReadingA hardware synthesizer works on the same principles as a software synthesizer. But they serve different purposes based on your requirements.Based on my little experience with the most experience I have gained using various software synths, I will talk more about software synths.
Continue ReadingTo answer this question, I will briefly explain how YouTube works…
Continue ReadingWhen you have a YouTube channel and a website, it is pertinent that you promote your work online preferably on social media to make your presence felt.
Continue ReadingSingle parents could be a single unmarried mom, a child whose mother has abandoned – the father is looking after them. It is also possible when the mother or father has passed away. Then there is the extreme attribution of divorced parents.
Continue ReadingWe all know what the ‘US of A’ exports to the world. They have some of the best-trading partners – Japan, the UK, India, the EU and many more. However, trade isn’t the subject of this blog post. It is export and three things in particular, which does not involve trade. They are Music, movies and videogames.
Continue ReadingIt’s been a long time since I thought of posting an update about my music project. From the time I managed to create my first music to the time I am confident using my DAW, where am I headed and plans going further. My post is going to be straightforward. […]
Continue ReadingOne no longer needs to stick to a singular medium to watch their favourite series or movies. There are plenty of choices. The computer has already occupied the lives of many of us. Now’s the turn of the smartphone. But, that’s not the only medium where you can conveniently and comfortably watch your favourites.
Continue ReadingSci-Fi fantasy has one edge over other genres like drama, action, romedy, comedy and horror – it is very imaginative. Who could have thought the force, light sabres, star destroyers from star wars existed, the replicator, from Star Trek, is almost real.
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